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Vivi's website about the Bridge


Bridge deals played in the Bratislava club

On this page the results of the tournaments and the deals played in the club are published. Together with deals I also publish computer analysis of playable commitments and optimum result. This is available also in format PDF and PBN.

Unfotunatelly, the will to write down the deals diminish among players which is pity. The opportunity of thorough analysis of deals is therefore lost which make the progress of pairs more difficult. At the beginning there were a few players outside the club who were interested in our deals... Hopefully, this will be renewed eventually.

Year 2017

Year 2015

  • 14.04.2015 → teams tournament with pairs change and evaluation

Year 2013

Year 2012

Year 2011

Year 2010

Year 2009

Year 2008

Year 2007


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