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Match Bratislava - Győr played in Bratislava 28.03.2009

On 28 March 2009 the first duel between bridge clubs from Győr and Bratislava was organised in Bratislava. We were inspired by Košice to organise a three round club match and the number of deals was adapted to the circumstances. There were 3 teams for each club who tried to showed their best and beat the teams rom the oponent city in 3 rounds with 16 deals. Compilers of the teams from Bratislava were captains of our first league teams and majority of the players consisted of regular Tuesday visitors of Doprastav. The final score was 163:101 to our advantage.

Team formations

BA1: Mokráň Pavel, Henc Marián, Okoličányová Táňa, Dula Igor, Nižnanský Ján
BA2: Hriňák Martin, Rezek Karol, Kvoček Juraj, Tatranský Ivan
BA3: Švec Ivo, Belčák Peter, Kemeňová Miroslava, Tomčáni Ján
GY1: Bánki Z., Visnyovszki L., Hegyi A., Kovács Gy.
GY2: László M., Szalár Z., Bodor T., Varga L.
GY3: Sváb E., Wér V., Svábné, Fülöp M.

1. round

BA1 - GY3  15:15 (37:38)
BA2 - GY2  24:6  (63:26)
BA3 - GY1  18:12 (51:36)

2. round

BA1 - GY2  20:10 (53:32)
BA2 - GY1   5:25 (11:53)
BA3 - GY3  25:0  (86:5)

3. round

BA1 - GY1  16:14 (31:28)
BA2 - GY3  25:4  (67:16)
BA3 - GY2  15:15 (52:50)

Table of results

|     |  BA1  |  BA2  |  BA3  |  GY1  |  GY2  |  GY3  | VP |  IMP | miesto |
| BA1 |   x   |   x   |   x   | 16:14 | 20:10 | 15:15 | 51 |  +23 |   4.   |
| BA2 |   x   |   x   |   x   |  5:25 | 24:6  | 25:4  | 54 |  +46 |   2.   |
| BA3 |   x   |   x   |   x   | 18:12 | 15:15 | 25:0  | 58 |  +98 |   1.   |
| GY1 | 14:16 | 25:5  | 12:18 |   x   |   x   |   x   | 51 |  +24 |   3.   |
| GY2 | 10:20 |  6:24 | 15:15 |   x   |   x   |   x   | 31 |  -60 |   5.   |
| GY3 | 15:15 |  4:25 |  0:25 |   x   |   x   |   x   | 19 | -131 |   6.   |

Match result

Bratislava - Győr 163:101


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